The Wilderness Choir


Set time to be announced

The Atrium

Our annual thousand-strong sing-a-long, accompanied by the Wilderness Orchestra. Come and drench yourself in the glory of an 8-part harmony.

The only qualification needed is enthusiasm, but you must commit to both rehearsals.

Not the type to sign up in advance? No worries, you can still join us on site by rocking up to the first rehearsal.

Sign up via the link here

REHEARSAL ONE: Friday, Aug 1 at the Atrium | 12:30 - 13:30

REHEARSAL TWO: Saturday, Aug 2 at the Atrium | 13:20 - 14:20

REHEARSAL THREE: Sunday, Aug 3 at the Atrium | 12:30 - 13:00

PERFORMANCE: Sunday, Aug 3. The Atrium Stage | 13:00 - 13:20