Lakeside spa info / terms & conditions

2-hour sessions are inclusive of the entire period spent in the Spa, including showers before and after the Spa.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your booked session start time.
Spaces will only be held for 20 minutes, after your booked time, at this point tickets will be released for resale and no refunds will be given.
All Spa users must take a hot soapy shower before using any of the spa equipment taking particular care to wash off any heavy make-up, body lotions and oils, tanning product, body glitter etc. Body wash will be provided.
All Hot Tubs hold a strict maximum of six people only. If your party is larger than this, regardless of whether you all plan on being in the hot tub at the same time or not, you will need to book additional individual spaces in a different tub or extra tubs to accommodate the full party size.
If you are booking single tickets in the communal tubs, we cannot guarantee you will be in the same tub as your friends. If you would like to ensure your whole group stays together we suggest booking a whole tub.
No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the Spa area.
We reserve the right to refuse your entry to the Spa if you appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or deemed a risk to health and safety. Any guests found in possession of drugs or attempting to consume drugs will be asked to leave the Spa premises immediately. No refunds will be given in these circumstances.
No outside alcohol is permitted in the Spa. You can make use of our Spa Bar and have drinks served to your hot tub.
Whilst in the hot tubs or cold plunge do not submerge your head or swallow the water.
Please ensure you shower between lake dips and getting back into your Hot Tub. This is essential for maintaining water cleanliness and keeping the tubs safe and hygienic for everyone to enjoy.
Please bring swimwear with you! Strictly no underwear or daywear is allowed in the Hot Tubs, Sauna & Cold plunge for hygiene reasons. Swimwear will be available to buy from the spa reception, subject to availability.
Stay hydrated and take regular breaks when using the Hot tubs & Sauna. We strongly advise a maximum bathing period of 10-15 minutes before taking a cool down break. Please listen to your body and get out straight away if you experience: nausea, dizziness, faintness, rapid pulse, irregular heartbeat, stomach pains or tingling in hands or feet.
Please bring minimal belongings and do not bring any valuables with you into the spa - as we are a pop-up Spa, storage space is limited. Personal items are left at your own risk.
Please bring with you a pair of flip-flops or sliders. This is to keep your feet clean whilst walking around the Spa therefore keeping our Hot Tubs & Sauna clean.
Please move around the site slowly and with caution - due to the nature of the area, there may be wet and uneven surfaces.
Do not sit on the top rim/edges of the Hot Tub; take a break on one of the deck chairs provided.
Only members of Spa staff are permitted to check on and top up the fires. Please stay well away from the wood burning stoves at all times.
No food or glass is allowed in the Hot Tubs, Sauna or Spa area.
By attending, you agree that The Wandering Wild Spa may capture and use photos or videos of you and your group within the Spa area for promotional purposes.
You should not use the spa if:
- You have a serious illness, heart disease or have a heart condition, high or low blood pressure, respiratory condition, or any other medical condition which may affect your reaction to heat.
- You have had any heart problems or high blood pressure, suffered from a heart attack or a stroke.
- You are taking medication for any of the above conditions.
- You have Diabetes.
- You have Epilepsy.
- You are pregnant or could be pregnant.
- You are susceptible to migraines.
- You have an illness causing an inability to perspire.
- You have had diarrhoea, sickness or an upset stomach within the last 14 days.
- You have a contagious disease or infectious skin condition.
- You have skin, ear, genital or other body infections or conditions.
- You have any open sores, cuts or wounds.
- You have had a heavy meal within one-and-a-half hours of your spa session.
Use of the Spa facilities is completely at your own risk. If you have a medical condition or are taking any medication, speak to your GP before using any of the Spa facilities to make sure it is safe to do so. By booking a session, you’re confirming that you, and everyone in your group, has considered this advice.
The Wandering Wild Spa accepts no responsibility for injury or loss resulting from the misuse of our facilities. Additionally, we accept no liability for any medical events or conditions that may occur following the use of our spa facilities by any individual.
By purchasing a ticket, you confirm that you have agreed to these Terms and Conditions and will adhere to them during your time in the Spa area. If you are booking on behalf of a group, it is your responsibility to ensure that these Terms and Conditions are read by all the members of your party.
If you have any questions or would like to make special arrangements, please contact us.