Jess Phillips


Sat 3rd 13:15 - 13:40

The Forum

From culture wars to clickbait, it’s fair to say that politics has lost some of its integrity, and we’ve all suffered as a result. If it hadn’t nearly wrecked the country with calamitous consequences in every sector of public life, it would almost be funny. We’ve let our standards drop – but we deserve better.

Jess Phillips believes in democracy, and the people she meets give her cause for optimism even if sometimes politicians really (really) don’t.

JESS PHILLIPS was first elected as the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley in 2015 and was elected chair of the Women's Parliamentary Labour Party in September 2016. Before becoming an MP, she worked with victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and human trafficking, and she continues to speak up on behalf of those who struggle to have their voice heard. She’s the author of the bestselling books Truth to Power, Everywoman and The Life of an MP: Everything You Really Need to Know about Politics. Jess lives with her husband and two sons in Birmingham, where she was born and raised.