

Fri 2nd 14:00 - 15:00

The Forum

Hosted by Heydon Prowse

Does being English fill you with a sense of pride or shame? National pride or the lack of it has become possibly the most important division in our increasingly disunited Kingdom. The same cannot be said for most of our neighbours in Europe. Both left and right-wing French are proud of their Frenchness. Both communist and fascist Italians love to wave the Tricalore. The SNP and Plaid Cymru are both nationalist and left wing. Only the German left are as apprehensive about their nationalism as we are (which is probably for the best). We English have committed our fair share of historical crimes, but we also have much to be proud of. Almost a decade since the existential crisis that was Brexit, is it time for liberal, open-minded voices to reclaim a new, progressive English nationalism? And if so what would that look like?


Heydon Prowse

Heydon is a comedian, journalist and political commentator.


Femi Oluwole

Femi is a British political activist and co-founder of the pro-European Union advocacy group Our Future Our Choice.

Moya Lothian-Mclean

Moya is a contributing editor at Novara Media and Guardian columnist.

Ella Whelan
Ella is a freelance journalist, Spiked columnist and author of What Women Want: Fun, Freedom and an End to Feminism.