Tinker Town


Set time to be announced

The Family Field

The open nature of Tinkertown offers children the opportunity to explore and experience a different kind of play; it enables children to investigate their imagination and ideas, learn about risk (within a managed situation), build physical and social skills and produce a piece of work which is inhabitable, autonomous and of their own.

Children are free to construct/design in any way they choose, continuously assessing the design and structural integrity of their dens with support from the architecturally trained staff – therefore learning engineering by doing. Our participants leave with an improved knowledge of how structures ‘work’, the build process, logistics and teamwork.

On the surface #TinkerTown is an opportunity for children to passively learn about architecture, engineering, planning and construction at a level suited to them through physically building their own dens and play ‘village’. However, we aim to use this platform to encourage reflection and critical thought on the child’s place in the city; the places where their presence and play is legitimised; their individual competencies and capabilities; and to highlight to parents and practitioners the role we must all play in ensuring our children have access to a plethora of play based learning experiences necessary to develop the skills to respond to the challenges of their future. In essence we are introducing children to the professions of Architecture, Engineering, Urban Design & Planning and vice versa.

We also aim to instil the confidence to use tools, build and fix things in our visitors; giving children and adults the opportunity to learn valuable life skills, and even promote employ-ability skills not only in construction but creativity and problem solving.