The Wilderness Cricket
Set time to be announced
The Playing FieldsThe annual Wilderness Cricket Matches, a true staple of the festival that combines hilarity and brilliance, parody and perfection in equal measure. Dreamed up by the creative minds at Bearded Kitten, this beloved event has graced Wilderness every Saturday and Sunday since the festival’s inception.
The cricket may be questionable, but the spectacle is unmatched—complete with streakers, questionable umpiring, pitch invasions, boozing, and side-splitting commentary from Timmy Sampson and Robin Clyfan.
Saturday sees the annual guest invitation match, the Wilderness XI vs The Gentleman Wallops, and Sunday sees the riotous fancy dress match where anything goes!
Whether you're there to play, streak (which is highly encouraged) or just soak up the madness, The Wilderness Cricket Club is an unmissable part of the festival fun.
Both days operate on a first come, first served basis. To play, simply sign up at 9 am when registration opens at the cricket scoreboard on The Playing Fields. Arrive early to secure your spot—places fill up fast!
The first bowl is 11am sharp on both Saturday and Sunday, don't be late!