Shhh Dating


Fri 2nd 17:30 - 18:30


Speed Dating without Talking

Flirting games, eye gazing, no talking! When we take away words, we can experience new ways of connecting with others, often with surprising results. In the session we will use interactive flirting games designed specifically to connect and engage. We will learn how to build rapport with others whilst developing sensitivity in a fun and playful way. With Togetherness Founder Adam Taffler.

Adam Taffler, founder of Togetherness and creator of Shhh Dating (speed dating without talking), has been shaped by a lifelong quest for authenticity and meaningful connection. From feeling like an outsider since age 15, Adam embarked on a transformative journey, attending hundreds of courses and trainings to explore deeper ways of connecting with others and himself. His experiences, ranging from tantra retreats to innovative relationship workshops, led him to launch Togetherness, which creates inclusive, accessible environments where participants can engage genuinely without prerequisites. Adam has facilitated experiences for thousands, helping them find self-acceptance and belonging through vulnerability and authenticity. His work challenges conventional relationship dynamics, promoting deeper intimacy and understanding in every interaction.