Queer Circle


Sun 4th 16:00 - 17:00


This sharing circle is a space for us to share our life experiences, without needing to explain our queerness to others. You can talk about anything at all, be truly heard by others, make new friends along the way, and have a little dance! You're welcome here whether you're a 'baby queer' or a seasoned queer; whether you're trans, non-binary or you're not quite sure yet; whether you just love women-identified people, male-identified folks, or you love both or none at all.

Home is where we are together. A meeting place for all those who identify as LGBTQIA+, with lovingly held guided conversation to share, connect, and be in community with our queer kin within the festival.

Open to all, from the fully in bloom, to the curious.

Come as you are. Bring your friends!