Beyond Words: Primal Partner Play


Fri 2nd 13:45 - 14:45


What happens when we slow down, drop into our body and meet in presence?

What arises in the space between us when the essence of me connects to the essence of you?

Perhaps it is soft, wild, raw, heartful?

Primal Partner Play is an embodied co-creation where you are invited to respond to the mystery of connection, moment by moment. Come and play in the magic of you and me, beyond words, in our multifaceted primal nature of being.

Eshana is a Cuddle Queen driven by a passion to support people to engage with life from their hearts, power and vulnerability. She is in total awe that she gets to facilitate workshops with such depth that touches the soul. She runs monthly Belly2Belly in London, delivers her own Cuddle and Nervous System Regulation Facilitator Training as well as working as a Psychosexual Therapeutic Coach